Vol. 14 No. 2, 1994

The Racist Legacy in Modern Swedish Saami Policy. By Roger Kvist
The Concept of Crown and Aboriganal Self-Government. By Thomas Isaac
Native People and the Socialist State: The Native Populations of Siberia and Their Experience as Part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. By Karl Hele
The Rose Collection of Moccasins in the Canadian Museum of Civilization: Transitional Woodland/Grassland Footwear. By David Sager
The Professor/Student Relationship: Key Factors in Minority Student Performance and Achievement. By Peggy Wilson
“Orality in Literacy” : Listening to Indigenous Writing. By Peter Dickinson

Research Note

Report of the Waywayseecappo First Nation Domestic Violence Project. By Lyle N. Longclaws; Lawrence J. Barkwell and Paul Rosebush


Post-Colonialism and the Native Born. By Peter Read

Video Review

Sayisi-Dene First Nation: Nu Ho Ni Yeh (Our Story). Reviewed by Michelle Samagalski

Book Reviews

Abel, Kerry : Drum Songs: Glimpses of Dene History. Reviewed by Patricia A. McCormack
Alia, Valerie: Names, Numbers, and Northern Policy. Reviewed by Ken Hanley
Bloomfield, Leonard: Sacred Stories of the Sweet Grass Cree. Reviewed by Guy Lanoue
Fortier, Normand: Guide to Oral History Collections in Canada / Guide des fonds d’histoire orale au Canada. Reviewed by Ron Nestor
Frazier, Patrick: The Mohicans of Stockbridge. Reviewed by Father David J. Norton
Gerber, Peter R. (Editor): 500 Jahre danach: Zur heutigen Lage der indigenen Volker beider Amerika. Reviewed by Margot Finke
Hayden, Brian (Editor): A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau: Traditional Stl’atl’imx Resource Use. Reviewed by Thomas S. Abler
McFarlane, Peter: Brotherhood to Nationhood: George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement. Reviewed by Susan Campbell
Meyer, Roy W.: History of the Santee Sioux: United States Indian Policy on Trial (Revised Edition). Reviewed by Raymond Beaumont
Nutall, Mark: Arctic Homeland: Kinship, Community and Development in Northwest Greenland. Reviewed by Alvin Kienetz
Reeves, Brian O.K. and Margaret A. Kennedy (Editors): Kunaitupii: Coming Together on Sacred Sites, Their Sacredness, Conservation and Interpretation: A Native and Non-Native Forum. Reviewed by Paul C. Thistle
Taite, Theresa (Wee’hal Lite): Inside Out: First Nations on the Front Line. Reviewed by Dennis L. Treslan
Tester, Frank James and Peter Kulchyski: Tammarniit (Mistakes): Inuit Relocation in the Eastern Arctic 1939-63. Reviewed by Barnett Richling
Weekes, Mary: The Last Buffalo Hunter: As Told by Norbert Welsh. Reviewed by James M. Pitsula

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