The Canadian Journal of Native Studies is a highly recognized journal in the field of Native Studies. It began as a publication of the Society for the Advancement of Native Studies which is no longer in operation and whose founder; Sam Corrigan; was the Chief Editor from 1981-2008. It comes out on a bi-annual basis, and publishes original research which is refereed by peer review. As a general focus, the journal publishes anthropological, historical, sociological, political, legal, educational and cultural issues affecting First Nations people. Although the majority of articles deal with Indigenous peoples in Canada, it also publishes articles dealing with Indigenous peoples world-wide. A good measure of the journal’s influence is the vast number of sources which index the title. These include: America: History and Life, Anthropological Index, Bibliography of Natives of North America; CPIQ: Canadian Periodical Index, Indigenous Studies Portal, First Nations Periodical Index, Historical Abstracts, and MLA International Bibliography.
The online edition of this journal has been made available by Brandon University and the John E. Robbins Library at Brandon University. The aim of the project is to mount all back issues of the journal, two years after the volume has been published, and make them available for free. Phase I (volumes 1-16) of the digitization of content was funded in part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Manitoba Education and Training’s CareerStart program, and Brandon University. Phase II of the Digitization (volumes 17-25) was provided by the Indigenous Studies Portal at the University of Saskatchewan – who has agreed to partner with the Journal for the continued digitization of content two years after publication. Current provision of online files is being made available via the Faculty of Arts at Brandon University.

Vol. 30, No. 2
"The Department is Going Back on These Promises": An Examination of Anishinaabe and Crown Understandings of Treaty. By Brittany Luby
Additional Bearpaw Publications
Produced by Brandon University with the assistance of the John E. Robbins Library.