
Information for Contributors

The Canadian Journal of Native Studies is an international refereed periodical in the discipline of Native Studies published twice annually in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.  CJNS publishes articles and reviews concerning Aboriginal People and Aboriginal affairs in Canada, the USA, and other countries of the world.  All submissions to this journal, except critical reviews, are independently and anonymously reviewed by peers prior to acceptance for publication.

Articles and reviews may be submitted either in English or French.  Manuscripts must be submitted together with an abstract not exceeding 100 words.  We also require the use of either the 2009 MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers or the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).  Authors are invited to query the editors in advance, although unsolicited manuscripts are welcome.  The following guidelines are offered in advance:

  1. All submitted materials must be typed and double-spaced.
  2. Ensure that printed material is of letter quality.
  3. Use standard font/type (i.e. Helvetica, Courier, Times, Prestige).
  4. Avoid alternating the size of the font throughout the material.

If you are interested in submitting your article to the journal, you can either do so by mail or e-mail.  If you are submitting it electronically, send it to Dr. Lorraine Mayer at:  CJNS@Brandonu.CA  .  If you wish to submit it via the traditional postal system, it can be mailed to:

Dr. Lorraine Mayer, Editor of the Canadian Journal of Native Studies
Department of Native Studies
Brandon University
Brandon, MB
Canada, R7A 6A9
Phone: (204) 727-9713
E-mail: CJNS@brandonu.ca

Renseignments Pour les Auteurs et les Critiques Litteraires

La Revue Canadienne de Etudes Autochtones est une revue internationale axée sur des ètudes autochtones, et publiée deux fois par an à Brandon, au Manitoba, au Canada.  La RCEA pulie des articles et des comptes redus portant sur les autochtones et les affaires aborigènes au Canada, aux Etats-Unis, et dans d’autres pas du monde.  A  l’exception des comptes rendus, tous les articles sont examinés, sans nom d’suteur, pas les memebres du Comitéde Rédaction, individuellement, afin de déterminer la publication éventuelle des articles.

Les articles et les comptes rendus doivent être en anglais ou en français.  Trois copies des manuscrits (dont l’une, au moins, est l’originale) devraient être soumises, et aussi un résumé ne dépassant pas 100 mots.   Nous recommandons aussi l’emploie de MLA Handbook 2009 pour les écrivains de documents de recherche ou la Publication Manual de l’American Psychological Association.  Les auteurs son invités à l’avance avec les membres de la rédaction, mais les manuscrits non solicités seront reçus.  Prière de faire attention aux indications ci-dessous:

  1. Les manuscrits soumis pous publication devraient être dactylographiés à couble interligne.
  2. S’assurer que les imprimés sont de première qualité.
  3. Se servir d’une fon régulière (c-à-d. Helvetica, Courier, Times, Prestige).
  4. Eviter d’alterner la grosseur de la fonte dans le manuscrit.

Subscription Information


Individuals:  $30.00
Institutions:  $54.00
Payable in  Canadian Funds for delivery within Canada. Payable in United States funds for delivery elsewhere.


Canadian Journal of Native Studies/Le Revue Canadienne Des Etudes Autochtones
Brandon University
Brandon, MB
Canada R7A 6A9
Phone: (204) 727-9640 (Office) or Phone: (204) 727-9713 (Editor)
Fax: (204) 726-0473 (Office)
E-mail: CJNS@brandonu.ca

Copyright and Copying

All material published in The Canadian Journal of Native Studies is copyright by The Canadian Journal of Native Studies.  Permission is hereby granted to copy individual papers within this issue, without prior written permission, for any legitimate not-for-profit educational purposes. This includes the production of limited numbers of classroom copies.  Acknowledgement must be given. Copying for commercial purposes, including reproduction in textbooks and anthologies, will normally be allowed without payment subject to prior written permission.

Under no circumstances should any individual or group pay any fee of any kind, other than actual posted copying costs, for the reproduction of material from this Journal. No library, agency, or central copyright body is entitled either to receive a fee for permission to copy, or to give or withhold permission to copy from this journal.  Any persons asked to pay any charges over and above the actual photocopy costs are asked to notify the Editors.


Question: How did the project begin?

The impetus for this program was a push by librarians to place the Canadian Journal of Native Studies online, and a subsequent agreement between the editor at the time, and the library, to undertake the digitization of the journal. Funding from two agencies,  Manitoba Education and Training’s Career Start program and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, enabled us to hire students to convert files for the first phase of the project, and contract out the scanning of journals in the second phase of the project.

Phase three of the project – which involved the digitization and mounting of volumes 17-25 – was completed in March of 2008.  The digitization was completed by the Indigenous Studies Portal at the University of Saskatchewan Libraries in partnership with the Canadian Journal of Native Studies at Brandon University.   We would like to thank them for their assistance in this phase of the project.


Question: Are there plans to continue making the full edition of each issue available?

Yes there are.  We have agreed to publish continuing back issues, two years after the last edition of a volume is published.


Question: Is there a definite deadline for submissions?

Answer: No.  All submissions are reviewed as received, then published in one of the bi-annual publications upon the approval of the Editorial and Peer Review Staff.

Copyright © The Canadian Journal of Native Studies