Vol. 10 No. 2, 1990
Cultural Appropriation as a Process of Displacing Peoples and History. By Hartmut Lutz
Cultural Heritage as a Cornerstone of a Rehabilitation Process: A Single Case Study. By Ian Hughes and Fay Sasson
From Ceremonial Object to Curio: Object Transformation at Port Simpson and Metlakatla, British Columbia in the Nineteenth Century. By Joanne MacDonald
Group Apraxia: The Phenomenology of Acculturalism. By Aubrey Neal
The CCF and the Development of Métis Colonies in Southern Saskatchewan During the Premiership of T. C. Douglas, 1944-1961. By F. Laurie Barron
Native Studies
History and Rationale of the Affirmative Action Program, College of Arts and Science, University of Saskatchewan. By G. S. Basran
Review Essay
Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Reviewed by Guy Lanoue
- Barwick, Diane E., Jeremy Beckett and Marie Reay ( Editors ): Metaphors of Interpretation: Essays in Honour of W. E. H. Stanner. Reviewed by Elizabeth Furniss
- Beaulieu, Alain: Convertier Les Fils de Cain, Jesuites et Amerindiens Nomades en Nouvelle-France, 1632-1642. Reviewed by Barry McGrory
- Coates, Kenneth ( Editor ): The Alaska Highway: Papers on the 40th Anniversary Symposium. Reviewed by Jeremy Hull
- Dippie, Brian W.: Catlin and His Contemporaries: The Politics of Patronage. Reviewed by E. Paul Morrissy
- Grinnell, George Bird: Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales. Reviewed by Rosanne Gasse
- Kovalenko, Svetlana: A Stride Across A Thousand Years. Reviewed by Ken Hanly
- Lee, Mary Madeline ( Bobby ): The New Nation – Christ’s Chosen People. Reviewed by Alfred Fisher
- Nichols, John D. ( Editor ): “Statement Made by the Indians”: A Bilingual Petition of the Chippewas of Lake Superior. Reviewed by Ridie Wilson Ghezzi
- Nichols, John D. ( Editor ): An Ojibwe Text Anthology. Reviewed by Ridie Wilson Ghezzi
- Olson, Paul A. ( Editor ): The Struggle for the Land: Indigenous Insight and Industrial Empire in the Semiarid World. Reviewed by James S. Frideres
- Prucha, Francis Paul ( Editor ): Documents of United States Indian Policy, Second Edition. Reviewed by David Reed Miller
- Robinson, Harry ( Compiled and Edited by Wendy Wickwire ): Write it on Your Heart: The Epic World of an Okanagan Storyteller. Reviewed by John S. Long
- Ronda, James P.: Lewis and Clark Among the Indians. Reviewed by W. A. Calder
- Suttles, Wayne ( Editor ): Handbook of North American Indians: Northwest Coast (Volume 7). Reviewed by Anne Goodfellow
- Wheeler, Jordan: Brothers in Arms. Reviewed by A. R.Bobiwash