Vol. 25 No.2, 2005

Social Cohesion? A Critical Review of the Urban AboriginalStrategy and Its Application to address Homelessness in Winnipeg.    By Ryan C. Walker 

Sharing Complex Visions for Inclusive Schools.    By Paul Betts and  Beverley Bailey 

Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Self-Determination: The Caseof the Swedish Sami People.    By Ulf Morkenstam 

Angels of Light: A Mi’kmaq Myth in a New Arche.   By Jennifer I. M. Reid 

Altering Perceptions Through Indigenous Studies: The Effects of Immersion in Hawaiian Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEl<) on Non-Native and Part-Native Students.    By Benjamin Charles Feinstein 

Utilization of Land Use Data to Identify Issues of Concern Relatedto Contamination at Site 050 of the Mid-Canada Radar Line.    By Leonard J. S. Tsuji, Kelly Cooper  and  Harry Manson 

A Tribute to Mary John and to the Synergy of Bridget Moran andMary John.   By Antonia Mills 

The Oldman River and the Sacred: A Meditation Upon AputosiPii’kani Tradition and Environmental Ethics.    By Jay Hansford C. Vest 

What’s in a Name? The Politics of Labelling and Native IdentityConstructions.    By Steffi Retzlaff 

Book Reviews 

Akiwenzie-Damm, Kateri.:   MyHeart is a Stray Bullet.    Reviewed by Alfred Fisher
Cummins, Bryan D.:   First Nations First Dogs.   Reviewed by Karl Hele
King, Thomas F.:   Thinking About Cultural Resource Management:  Essays from the Edge.   Reviewed by Christine Boston
Nebelkopf, Ethan and Mary Phillips:   Healing and Mental Health for Native Americans: Speaking in Red.   Reviewed by Alfred Fisher
Oatis, Stephen J.:   A Colonial Complex:  South Carolina’s Frontiers in the Era of the Yamasee War, 1680-1730.   By Karl Hele
Sheffeild, R. Scott:   The Red Man’s on the Warpath: The Image of the “Indian” and the Second World War.   Reviewed by Karl Hele
Valaskakis, Gail Guthrie:   Indian Country: Essays on Contemporary Native Culture.   Reviewed by Sadie Donovan

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